Archive for the ‘ACC’ Category

ACC Motor Vehicle Levy Up

March 10, 2009

Yep it’s going to cost us an extra $32 per vehicle per year in ACC costs plus an increase in the levy on fuel. This is what it takes to try and fix the bloody mess that Labour left ACC in. ACC should not be a free for all at the physio. Currently all you have to do is say “I Tripped” and you are covered!!! I personally don’t go to physios but have a very good (though slightly odd) osteopath AND I willingly pay the $35 it costs me to go and see him.
Having said that I did go to a physio recently (desparate and the Osteopath was very busy) and she (the physio) had 6 people all lined up in beds at various stages through their treatment. My knee injury was given half an hour of electric shocks and a long rest before the final cursory massage…then sent on my way. I hate to think how much she racked up in an hour for these so called treatments. My osteopath only ever has one patient at a time and you are being treated for the full hour. I only ever need to see him three times at the most for an injury.
Rant over.